Tuesday, April 26, 2011


DATE    :    18/4/2011

DAY    :     MONDAY





Learning area    :

Land and its resources 

Learning objective 

Understanding silicon compounds 

Learning outcome    

  1. Relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability
  2. State the different forms of silicon compounds
  3. State examples of silica
  4. State examples of silicates
  5. Explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life

Learning activity

Carry out activities to study the properties of silicon compounds to their stability (PEKA Science) (SPS activities 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds





Learning area    :

Land and its resources 

Learning objective 

Understanding silicon compounds 

Learning outcome    

  1. Relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability
  2. State the different forms of silicon compounds
  3. State examples of silica
  4. State examples of silicates
  5. Explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life

Learning activity

Carry out activities to study the properties of silicon compounds to their stability (PEKA Science) (SPS activities 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.


50 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds





Learning area    :

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment

Learning objective 

Evaluating the interaction between living organisms 

Learning outcome    

Explain through examples the advantages and disadvantages of biological control in regulating the number of pest in certain areas  

Learning activity

Discuss the advantages of biological control in regulating the numbers of pests in certain areas (SPS activity 4.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to evaluating the interaction between living organisms


DATE    :    19/4/2011

DAY    :     TUESDAY




Learning area    :

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning objective 

Evaluating the interaction between living organisms

Learning outcome    

Explain through examples the advantages and disadvantages of biological control in regulating the number of pest in certain areas  

Learning activity

Discuss the advantages of biological control in regulating the numbers of pests in certain areas (SPS activity 4.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to evaluating the interaction between living organisms





Learning area    :

Land resources

Learning objective 

Analysing calcium compounds

Learning outcome    

  1. Describe the properties of calcium carbonate
  2. Write equation in words for the reactions of calcium carbonate

Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide

Learning activity

Carry out an experiment to study the properties of calcium carbonate (PEKA Science) (SPS activity 6.8)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


60 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds





Learning area    :

Land and its resources 

Learning objective 

Understanding silicon compounds 

Learning outcome    

  1. Relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability
  2. State the different forms of silicon compounds
  3. State examples of silica
  4. State examples of silicates
  5. Explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life

Learning activity

Carry out activities to study the properties of silicon compounds to their stability (PEKA Science) (SPS activities 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


60 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds


DATE    :    20/4/2011





Learning area    :

Land and its resources

Learning objective 

Analysing calcium compounds

Learning outcome    

  1. Describe the properties of calcium carbonate
  2. Write equation in words for the reactions of calcium carbonate

Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide

Learning activity

Carry out an experiment to study the properties of calcium carbonate (PEKA Science) (SPS activity 6.8)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


60 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds





Learning area    :

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning objective 

Synthesising food web 

Learning outcome    

Explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are and combine a few food chains to construct a food web  

Learning activity

Discussion on the producer, consumer and decomposer and construct a food web from a few food chains

(SPS activities 4.5 and 4.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are and combine a few food chains to construct a food web





Learning area    :

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning objective 

Synthesising food web 

Learning outcome    

Explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are and combine a few food chains to construct a food web

Learning activity

Discussion on the producer, consumer and decomposer and construct a food web from a few food chains

(SPS activities 4.5 and 4.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


95 % of students are able explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are and combine a few food chains to construct a food web





Learning area    :

Land and its resources

Learning objective 

Analysing calcium compounds

Learning outcome    

  1. Describe the properties of calcium carbonate
  2. Write equation in words for the reactions of calcium carbonate

Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide

Learning activity

Carry out an experiment to study the properties of calcium carbonate (PEKA Science) (SPS activity 6.8)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.


50 % of students are able to relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability and state the different forms of silicon compounds


DATE    :    21/4/2011





Learning area    :

Land and its resources 

Learning objective 

Analysing calcium compounds 

Learning outcome 

Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide 

Learning activity

Carry out an experiment to study the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide (SPS activities 6.9 and 6.10)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to state the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide





Learning area    :

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning objective 

Synthesising food web 

Learning outcome 

Relate the food web and pyramid of numbers to energy flow and also predict the consequences if a certain component of a living organism in the ecosystem is missing

Learning activity

Study the pyramid of numbers and discuss the effect of change in the number of organisms towards environmental equilibrium (SPS activities 4.7 and 4.8)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to relate the food web and pyramid of numbers to energy flow and also predict the consequences if a certain component of a living organism in the ecosystem is missing





Learning area    :

Land and its resources 

Learning objective 

Analysing calcium compounds

Learning outcome 

Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide 

Learning activity

Carry out an experiment to study the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide (SPS activities 6.9 and 6.10)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. 


50 % of students are able to state the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide


DATE    :    22/4/2011

DAY    :     FRIDAY



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