Sunday, July 7, 2013


DATE            :     1/07/2013

DAY            :    MONDAY




Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing photosynthesis  

Learning Outcomes 

State the factors required for photosynthesis and control the variables that are required for photosynthesis

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to determine the need of chlorophyll for photosynthesis  

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God


80% of students are able to state the factors required for photosynthesis and control the variables that are required for photosynthesis





Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing photosynthesis  

Learning Outcomes 

State the factors required for photosynthesis and control the variables that are required for photosynthesis

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to determine the need of chlorophyll for photosynthesis  

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God


95% of students are able to state the factors required for photosynthesis and control the variables that are required for photosynthesis





Learning Area 

Land and its resources 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing natural fuel resources and their importance 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum
  2. Describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum
  3. Describe the uses of petroleum fractions

Learning Activities 

Discussion on the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum and its uses.

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology


50% of students are able to describe the fractional distillation of petroleum





Learning Area 

Land and its resources

Learning Objectives 

Analysing natural fuel resources and their importance 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum
  2. Describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum
  3. Describe the uses of petroleum fractions

Learning Activities 

Discussion on the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum and its uses

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology


80% of students are able to describe the fractional distillation of petroleum


DATE            :     2/07/2013

DAY            :    TUESDAY




Learning Area


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe what electrostatics is
  2. Describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials
  3. State the types of static electrical charges

Learning Activities

Carry out an experiment to produce static electrical charges in materials through friction and detect it using an electroscope

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology


50% of students are able to describe what electrostatics is and

describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials





Learning Area 

Land and its resources 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing natural fuel resources and their importance 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum
  2. Describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum
  3. Describe the uses of petroleum fractions

Learning Activities 

Discussion on the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum and its uses

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology


50% of students are able to describe the fractional distillation of petroleum


DATE            :     3/07/2013

DAY            :    WEDNESDAY





Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning Objectives 


Learning Outcomes 


Learning Activities 


Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God


80% of students are able to answer the question.





Learning Area 


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe what electrostatics is
  2. Describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials
  3. State the types of static electrical charges

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to produce static electrical charges in materials through friction and detect it using an electroscope

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology  


70% of students are able to describe what electrostatics is and

describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials





Learning Area 


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe what electrostatics is
  2. Describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials
  3. State the types of static electrical charges

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to produce static electrical charges in materials through friction and detect it using an electroscope

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology  


50% of students are able to describe what electrostatics is and

describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials





Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning Objectives

  1. Analysing photosynthesis
  2. Evaluating the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem
  2. Justify the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms

Learning Activities 

  1. Discuss the importance of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem and the carbon-oxygen cycle
  2. Collect and interpret data on the conservation and preservation of living organisms

Teaching Materials

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God  


60% of students are able to explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem


DATE            :     4/07/201

DAY            :     THURSDAY




Learning Area 


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe ways to detect static electrical charges
  2. State the properties of static electrical charges

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to observe what happens when two objects with the same or opposite charges are brought near to each other

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book ,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology  


50% of students are able to describe ways to detect static electrical charges and state the properties of static electrical charges





Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment 

Learning Objectives 


Learning Outcomes 


Learning Activities 


Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book 

Noble Value

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God  


75% of students are able to answer the question





Learning Area 

Interdependence among living organisms and the environment

Learning Objectives 

  1. Analysing photosynthesis
  2. Evaluating the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem
  2. Justify the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms

Learning Activities 

  1. Discuss the importance of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem and the carbon-oxygen cycle
  2. Collect and interpret data on the conservation and preservation of living organisms

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book,worksheet 

Noble Value 

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Being thankful of God  


80% of students are able to explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem


DATE            :     5/07/2013

DAY            :     FRIDAY




Learning Area 


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe ways to detect static electrical charges
  2. State the properties of static electrical charges

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to observe what happens when two objects with the same or opposite charges are brought near to each other

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book ,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology  


80% of students are able to describe ways to detect static electrical charges and state the properties of static electrical charges





Learning Area 


Learning Objectives 

Understanding electrostatics 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe ways to detect static electrical charges
  2. State the properties of static electrical charges

Learning Activities 

Carry out an experiment to observe what happens when two objects with the same or opposite charges are brought near to each other

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, work book ,worksheet

Noble Value 

Being objective .Appreciating the contribution of science and technology


50% of students are able to describe ways to detect static electrical charges and state the properties of static electrical charges

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