Friday, August 13, 2010

WEEK 31 & 32

DATE            :     02/08/2010

DAY            :     Monday




Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the Sun 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the characteristics of the Sun
  2. Identify the structures of the Sun
  3. State how energy is generated by the Sun
  4. Identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun
  5. Explain the effects of the phenomena on the surface of the sun on the Earth

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software/projector slide on the structures and phenomena of the Sun (SPS activities 9.1 and 9.2)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book. courseware, LCD

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


40% of students are able to identify the structures of the Sun





















2E (2.00-2.35)

Learning Area 

Water and solution


Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

State the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water

Learning Activities

Carry out activities to determine the freezing and boiling points of water (SPS activity 5.1)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book.,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60% of students are able to state the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water





Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the Sun 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the characteristics of the Sun
  2. Identify the structures of the Sun
  3. State how energy is generated by the Sun
  4. Identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun
  5. Explain the effects of the phenomena on the surface of the sun on the Earth

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software/projector slide on the structures and phenomena of the Sun (SPS activities 9.1 and 9.2)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book. courseware, LCD

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


90% of students are able to identify the structures of the Sun




2M (5.45-6.10)

Learning Area

Water and solution


Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

State the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water

Learning Activities 

Carry out activities to determine the freezing and boiling points of water (SPS activity 5.1)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book.,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


50% of students are able to state the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water


DATE            :     03/08/2010

DAY            :     Tuesday



2I (2.00-3.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution


Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

State the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water

Learning Activities 

Carry out activities to determine the freezing and boiling points of water (SPS activity 5.1)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book.,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60% of students are able to state the meaning of the freezing and boiling points of water





Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Identify the Sun as a star
  2. Describe what Milky Ways is
  3. State the types of galaxies
  4. Identify the characteristics of star
  5. Compare and contrast the star based on certain characteristics

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on Milky Ways and the star (SPS activities 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5)

Teaching Materials

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,worksheet.

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally, Thank to God


50 % of students are able to identify the Sun as a star and state what Milky Ways is





Learning Area 

Water and solution

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water 

Learning Activities 

Carry out an activity to observe the effect of impurities on the boiling point of pure liquids (SPS activity 5.2)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,worksheet.

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


50 % of students are able to explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water


DATE            :     04/08/2010

DAY            :    WEDNESDAY



2M (2.00-3.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water

Learning Activities 

Carry out an activity to observe the effect of impurities on the boiling point of pure liquids (SPS activity 5.2)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,worksheet.

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


40 % of students are able to explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water





Learning Area 

Water and solution

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the physical characteristics of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water 

Learning Activities 

Carry out an activity to observe the effect of impurities on the boiling point of pure liquids (SPS activity 5.2)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, sps book, course ware, LCD 

Noble Value 

Being cooperative, Having critical and analytical thinking  


50% students are able to state the physical characteristics of water


DATE            : 05/08/2010

DAY            : THURSDAY




Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the Sun as a star
  2. Describe what Milky Ways is
  3. State the types of galaxies
  4. Identify the characteristics of star
  5. Compare and contrast the star based on certain characteristics

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on Milky Ways and the star (SPS activities 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5)

Teaching Materials 

Test Paper

Noble Value 

Having critical and analytical thinking  


90% of students are able to state the types of galaxies and

identify the characteristics of star





Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the formation and the death of stars
  2. Describe the Universe
  3. State the position of the Solar System in the Universe

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software/ projector slide on star and the formation and the death of stars (SPS activities 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Having critical and analytical thinking  


40% of students are able to state the formation and the death of stars




2 M(5.10-6.20)

Learning Area 

Water and solution

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the composition of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen 

Learning Activities 

Carry out an electrolysis of water to determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of water (SPS activities 5.3 and 5.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally.


50% of students are able to determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen


DATE            : 06/08/2010

DAY            : FRIDAY    



2 I(2.35-3.45)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the composition of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen

Learning Activities 

Carry out an electrolysis of water to determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of water (SPS activities 5.3 and 5.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally.


60% of students are able to determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen .





Learning Area 

Stars and galaxies 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the formation and the death of stars
  2. Describe the Universe
  3. State the position of the Solar System in the Universe

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software/ projector slide on star and the formation and the death of stars (SPS activities 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8)

Teaching Materials 

Test Paper

Noble Value 

Having critical and analytical thinking  


90% of students are able to state the position of the Solar System in the Universe




2 E(5.10-6.20)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the composition of water  

Learning Outcomes 

Determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen

Learning Activities 

Carry out an electrolysis of water to determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of water (SPS activities 5.3 and 5.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally.


60% of students are able to determine the composition of water and test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen


WEEK : 32                

DATE            :     09/08/2010    

DAY            :     Monday




Learning Area 

Space exploration 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration 

Learning Outcomes 

Describe the developments in the field of astronomy


Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


50 % of students are able to state the developments in the field of astronomy



















2M (5.45-6.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the process of evaporation of water  

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water
  2. Describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life

Learning Activities 

Carry out experiments to study the factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water and collect information on the application of the process of evaporation (SPS activities 5.5 and 5.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


Lesson carry forward





Learning Area 

Space exploration

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration 

Learning Outcomes 

Describe the developments in the field of astronomy


Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60 % of students are able to describe the developments in the field of astronomy




2M (5.45-6.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the process of evaporation of water  

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water
  2. Describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life

Learning Activities 

Carry out experiments to study the factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water and collect information on the application of the process of evaporation (SPS activities 5.5 and 5.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


Lesson carry forward


DATE            :     10/08/2010

DAY            :     Tuesday



2I (2.00-3.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives

Analysing the process of evaporation of water  

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water
  2. Describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life

Learning Activities 

Carry out experiments to study the factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water and collect information on the application of the process of evaporation (SPS activities 5.5 and 5.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60 % of students are able to state the process of evaporation of water.





Learning Area 

Space exploration 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration

Learning Outcomes 

Describe the developments in space exploration

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


45% of students are able state the developments in space exploration





Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing the process of evaporation of water

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water
  2. Describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life

Learning Activities 

Carry out experiments to study the factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water and collect information on the application of the process of evaporation (SPS activities 5.5 and 5.6)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


50 % of students are able to explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water


DATE            :     11/08/2010

DAY            :    WEDNESDAY



2M (2.00-3.10)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing solution and solubility

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. Compare and contrast between dilute, concentrated and saturated solutions

Learning Activities 

Carry out activities to

  1. illustrate what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. prepare a dilute solution, a concentrated solution and a saturated solution (SPS activities 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


50 % of students are able to explain what solute, solvent and solution are





Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing solution and solubility  

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. Compare and contrast between dilute, concentrated and saturated solutions

Learning Activities 

Carry out activities to

  1. illustrate what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. prepare a dilute solution, a concentrated solution and a saturated solution (SPS activities 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9)

Teaching Materials

Textbook, reference book, sps book,

Noble Value 

Being cooperative, Having critical and analytical thinking  


60 % of students are able to explain what solute, solvent and solution are


DATE            : 12/08/2010

DAY            : THURSDAY




Learning Area 

Space exploration 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration 

Learning Outcomes 

Describe the developments in space exploration

Learning Activities

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, reference book, sps book, course ware, LCD 

Noble Value 

Being cooperative, Having critical and analytical thinking


80 % of students are able describe the developments in space exploration





Learning Area 

Space exploration 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the developments in the field of astronomy
  2. Describe the developments in space exploration
  3. Explain with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, LCD, courseware

Noble Value

Having critical and analytical thinking  


40% of students are able to state the relationship between current, voltage and resistance




2 M(5.10-6.20)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives

Analysing solution and solubility  

Learning Outcomes 

Explain what suspension is 

Learning Activities 

Carry out activity to illustrate the differences between a solution and a suspension (SPS activity 5.10)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book, worksheet

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally.


Lesson carry forward


DATE            : 13/08/2010

DAY            : FRIDAY    



2 I(2.35-3.45)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing solution and solubility

Learning Outcomes 

Explain what suspension is 

Learning Activities 

Carry out activity to illustrate the differences between a solution and a suspension (SPS activity 5.10)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60% of students are able to state what suspension is





Learning Area 

Space exploration 

Learning Objectives 

Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration 

Learning Outcomes 

Explain with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy  

Learning Activities 

Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

Teaching Materials

Test Paper

Noble Value 

Having critical and analytical thinking  


80% of students are able to state with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy




2 E(5.10-6.20)

Learning Area 

Water and solution 

Learning Objectives 

Analysing solution and solubility  

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Explain what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. Compare and contrast between dilute, concentrated and saturated solutions

Learning Activities

Carry out activities to

  1. illustrate what solute, solvent and solution are
  2. prepare a dilute solution, a concentrated solution and a saturated solution (SPS activities 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9)

Teaching Materials 

Textbook, Reference book, Sps book,

Noble Value 

Thinking Rationally


60% of students are able to compare and contrast between dilute, concentrated and saturated solutions





1 comment:

  1. Dear Cikgu Cecelia,
    TQVM for submitting your daily lesson plans. Have gone through your DLP and the reflections, especially. Keep up the good work. Have a nice day.
